Not feeling like the badass I already
know you are?

It’s time to change that.

Let’s uncover that light burning bright within you and get you feeling like the amazing woman you already are. I know you don’t believe it yet. You think there’s something wrong with you since you can’t find your perfect mate, or that ideal job, or have the body of Beyoncé.

I can’t guarantee Beyoncé bodies, but I can guarantee you will feel so much better about yourself and free of the barriers keeping you feeling small and yucky. So let’s get this party started! I’m waiting to hear from you.

xo Jenn

Group Coaching-now forming!

Maybe you’re not sure what coaching really is, but you're curious. Maybe you don’t want to make a big financial investment right now, but you know something has to change. You’re tired of feeling drained in your mind and body, but you know you have thinking and behavior that get in the way of becoming more of who you truly are. It’s time to burn brighter, babe!

Come be a part of a community of like-minded women.

We will meet once a week for 60-minutes to discuss a topic, do a little self-care, and get coached. You’ll learn, you’ll be supported and you’ll walk away feeling inspired, more confident, and more grounded.

$57 per month. Cancel anytime. Groups are ongoing.

Apply now by booking a free exploration call.


You’re ready for some real growth work. You’re committed to change and want to feel successful in your mind, body, and relationships.

I use my 18 years of experience as a skilled therapist and my wisdom of 50+ years to give you a comprehensive coaching experience.

I take the time to hear your story-past and present-and your dreams for the future. Our time working together will be goal-oriented and created for your unique needs and wants.

Typically, it looks like clearing out the old messaging, reworking what’s holding you back, and making sure you have ways to move forward with more self-love and self-compassion. Knowing yourself better and releasing past negative experiences will bring you to the new level you have been wanting for so long.

Loving yourself means you can bring your A-game to each and every relationship. You’ll walk away with more confidence, better boundaries, and a new outlook.

We will meet every other week for twelve 90-minute sessions.

Apply now by booking a free exploration call.


You’re ready for growth but want some condensed coaching focusing on one area of your life. Maybe it’s your relationship, your work, your habits, or your mindset.

Our first session can be used to figure out what area needs support, or if you feel sure about it, we can dive right in.

I bring my experience as a coach trained by Martha Beck (life coach to Oprah) and all my skills as a therapist to zero in on what is getting in the way.

You’ll walk away with more confidence, and more appreciation of your bright, beautiful self!

We will meet for 8 sessions once a week for 60 minutes to really dig into that one area you feel needs the most love and attention.

Apply now by booking a free exploration call.